BIG Inventory Professional Hospital Inventory Service's founder has
over 35 years experience in providing professional inventory services
to industries as wide ranging as retail, defense, healthcare and
manufacturing. Combining with a team of experienced professionals,
their knowledge, skills, and standards of excellence in developing
industry specific services and processes within the overall strictures
of best practices in inventory management common to all industries,
along with their commitment to ensuring that all customers are served
by a well trained, quality focused team form the foundation upon which
BIG Inventory's professional hospital inventory service is built.
At BIG Inventory's professional hospital inventory service, we speak
your language and feel your pain. Our entire team is dedicated to
serving the hospital nventory needs of the healthcare industry. Running
a hospital isn’t a side business and we don’t believe that auditing its
inventory should be either. The impact of hospital inventory services
on patient care, financial viability, and regulatory compliance make
them too important to be sloughed off onto a team of amateurs stopping
by on their way from the department store to the supermarket.
Good, fast, cheap (pick any two). While that may be true, often those
who say it follow it with a price that is three times their nearest
competitor. BIG Inventory professional hospital inventory services
provides top quality services at a price that is competitive with any
service that has advanced beyond pencil and paper. How are we able to
do that? It’s simpler than you might imagine. In addition to passing on
the savings of using high quality people and technology, we don’t
charge you for our margin of error in estimating our costs by insisting
on a flat rate or for the thousands of dollars spent on sales visits to
other hospitals that didn’t result in any billing.
BIG Inventory, Inc. sprang from Electronic Inventory Systems (EIS)
which was founded in 1985. EIS served retailers throughout
the United States helping them acclimate from financial inventories to
UPC based inventories. Since 2007, the management of EIS
became involved in hospital inventories, finding a tremendous
unfulfilled need and eventually committing 100 percent of its resources
to hospital inventories. They developed a unique system
called BERTHA
(Bringing Employees, Resources
and Technology
to Hospital Audits)
and named the company BIG Inventory, Inc. (BERTHA Implementation Group).
30 days prior to the start of your physical inventory BIG works with you and your team to prepare and the support continues up to 30 days after your BIG Event.
As part of the preparation process we hold a Web-Conference so your hospital staff understands everyone's role in your upcoming BIG Event.
We appreciate the unique nature of the hospital environment and work quietly and unobtrusively--always keeping in mind a Patient First philosophy!
Once we arrive our BIG Project Manager will coordinate all activities to make your hospital inventory process smooth and efficient, allowing your staff to focus on what they do best.
\© BIG Inventory, Inc. 2012